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3 Things I Learned Last Week #5 – Your life, your time, your thinking

Welcome to my weekly newsletter, where I share three things I learned last week. 

Every week, I consume various media, including articles, books, podcasts, YouTube videos, online courses, and more, to stay informed and continuously improve my knowledge and skills. 

I share my learning journey's most exciting and insightful takeaways in this newsletter. Please feel free to forward this along to friends.

“I think it’s liberating that there’s no meaning to life. You can create your own meaning.” ~ Naval Ravikant

1. Life is a Single-player Game

The YouTube video I watched: Naval Ravikant – Life is a Single-player Game (The Case Against Society)

Main Takeaways

Life as a single player game is a powerful concept that inspires us to look within ourselves, break free from societal expectations, and embrace the unique journey we are all on.

By seeing life through this lens, we can transform our reality, create our own meaning, and truly live in the present moment. No longer bound by what others think, we can harness our inner strength and choose our own path, whether that leads us to become a force for good or embrace our darker side.

The key is to find a positive perspective that aligns with our reality.

We are the architects of our destiny. We can take control of our circumstances, rise above any setbacks, and learn to thrive, no matter what life throws at us. It’s not just about learning to “hack” reality and get what we want; it’s about cultivating the wisdom to know what’s truly worth pursuing.

By focusing on personal growth and understanding the long-term consequences of our actions, we can create a life that’s meaningful and fulfilling.

Embrace this exciting single player game mindset and embark on a journey of self-discovery, personal empowerment, and the pursuit of happiness.

Challenge the norms that society imposes and remember that the only limits are those you set for yourself. It’s time to be the hero of your own story, conquer your fears, and create a life that’s truly worth living.

“Everything from our sleep states and waking states is divided into these 90 minute cycles called ultradian cycles.” ~ Dr. Andrew Huberman

2. Setting a 90-minute timer for focused work followed by a break can boost productivity and help the brain recharge.

The YouTube video I watch: The Ideal Length of Time for Focused Work | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Main Takeaways

Have you ever found yourself sitting down to get some work done, only to realize a few hours later that you’ve barely made any progress? We’ve all been there, and it’s frustrating. But what if I told you that the solution could be as simple as setting a timer for 90 minutes?

According to experts, focusing for shorter periods of time can actually help you learn better. Whether you’re trying to exercise, learn a new skill, or even just have a conversation, setting a 90-minute timer can help you stay focused and productive.

But here’s the catch: after those 90 minutes are up, it’s important to take a break for anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes. And during this break time, it’s essential that you don’t use your phone or distract yourself with something else. Instead, let your brain relax and think about anything or nothing at all.

This type of break is especially important if you’re planning to go to sleep anytime soon. Giving your brain some time to decompress before bedtime can help ensure that you get better quality sleep.

Of course, taking breaks throughout the day isn’t always easy – especially if you’re working on an intense project with tight deadlines. But remember: taking these breaks can actually make you more productive in the long run. By giving your brain some time off in between focused work periods, you’ll be able to maintain your energy and focus levels throughout the day.

Ultimately, finding the ideal length of time for focused work will depend on your personal preferences and needs. However, setting a timer for 90 minutes is a great place to start. Just remember to take breaks in between those focus periods – and do something completely unrelated – so that your brain can recharge and stay sharp throughout the day.

So next time you sit down to tackle an important task, try setting a timer for 90 minutes – who knows? It might be just what you need to boost your productivity and get things done.

“To think fast, you need to put your knowledge into frameworks, sort them, organize them so you can very quickly recall what you want to talk about.”

3. Frameworks help you organize your thoughts and ideas, enabling you to articulate them more effectively and make better decisions.

The YouTube video I watch: How to Think Fast Before You Speak: Framework Thinking

Have you ever found yourself in a tough situation where you struggled to articulate what you really wanted to say? You’re not alone. Many of us find it difficult to express ourselves when we don’t know how to structure our thoughts properly.

That’s where frameworks come in – they’re like tools that help you think more clearly and articulate your ideas more effectively. Frameworks help you figure out what’s really important and how to get the results you want based on facts, rather than just comparing things to other things.

For example, if someone asked you how to make more money, what would you say? One framework suggests that there are two ways to do this: sell more things or raise the cost of the things you sell. You could even do both for even better results.

Charlie Munger, business partner of Warren Buffett, emphasizes the importance of organizing your knowledge into groups so that you can think more efficiently.

By thinking faster, we can make better decisions and save valuable time.

Understanding the true nature of something is crucial too. Picasso used drawings of bowls to gain a deeper understanding of their essence. This allowed him to remember and think about them more effectively. It’s like having a blueprint or structure in our minds that helps us tackle challenges with ease.

Frameworks can also come from pre-made structures available online. Starting a project from scratch can be daunting sometimes, but these existing frameworks help us organize information quickly and efficiently.

So, start thinking in structured ways and build your own library of frameworks so that next time someone asks your opinion on something important or complex, you are able to give an informed answer with confidence!

Thank you for joining me on this weekly learning journey. I hope you found the three things I shared insightful and valuable. Remember, continuous learning is essential for personal and professional growth, and I’m honored to be a part of your learning process.

I wish you a great week filled with new opportunities, growth, and joy. And if you received this newsletter forwarded by a friend, subscribe to get your own copy every week. Just click the link below and enter your email address, and you’ll be all set.

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Thank you for being so supportive, and I’ll see you next week with more exciting insights to share!

Best regards,

~ Nathan

The author partially generated this content with GPT-4 & ChatGPT, Claude 3, Gemini Advanced, and other large-scale language-generation models. Upon developing the draft, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the content to their liking and took ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.






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