Hi, I’m Nathan

I’m a Web Developer based in Penang, Malaysia. I’m passionate about building web products using the latest web technologies, as well as sharing my knowledge with other Web geeks.

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( what do i do? )

I Build Web Application

I love building web application – which is why I spent most of my time helping clients developing exciting web projects using the latest web technologies, such as ReactJS, NodeJS & Firebase.

I Build WordPress Products

I started my career as a WordPress developer building and selling WordPress themes & plugins online. As of now, I have a few active products on CodeCanyon (the #1 online marketplace for WordPress plugins).

I Teach How to Code

Beside building web stuff for living, I also passionate in teaching, as well as sharing my programming knowledge at meetups, workshops, and bootcamps.

Contact me if you want to invite me for a talk or workshop at your school / organization / company.

I Speak at Tech Conferences

I also have the opportunity to speak at various tech conferences. If you want to invite me for a talk at your event, just drop me a line here

Latest Articles

How to summarize YouTube video for free using Gemini API

We’ve all been there… A fascinating YouTube video promises to reveal the secrets of the universe, teach us a new skill, or simply entertain us. But then reality sets in. The video is hours long. You scroll endlessly, trying to find the key takeaways, but your attention drifts. Before you know it, you’ve lost valuable…

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How to Use AI to Quickly Digest Long-Form Content Like a Pro

We live in an age of information overload. There are seemingly endless supply of content coming at us from all directions. Trying to take in all the content out there can be really tough. It’s like trying to drink from a fire hydrant – way too much, way too fast! And let’s be real, it’s…

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Building WordPress with AI Magic

Crafting a WordPress website from scratch can feel like wrestling with a lion, even for the experienced web builders! It’s like standing in front of a blank canvas with a palette full of colors, but no clear idea of where to begin. You need to decide on a layout, select appropriate themes and plugins, choose…

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Building an AI Assistant For Your WordPress site Using Custom GPT

Imagine you’re the captain of a ship, steering your business through the digital ocean. Your WordPress site is the vessel, and it’s loaded with precious cargo – your content, products, and brand. But there’s a catch: you’re swamped with tasks, like a sailor trying to navigate through a storm with an old map. Managing a…

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From Distraction to Deep Work: The 60-90 Minute Rule

You know that feeling when you’re engrossed in a gripping novel, and suddenly you realize hours have passed? That was me with work. I’d sit down, fueled by caffeine and ambition, thinking I’d power through. But invariably, after about an hour or so, I’d find my thoughts drifting, my focus wavering. It wasn’t until I…

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Taking WordPress to Infinity and Beyond with ChatGPT API

Ah, the digital revolution. Just when you think you’ve caught up, something like ChatGPT waltzes in and says, “Tag, you’re it!” Especially if you’re in the WordPress world. This is not your everyday GPT-4 conversation; this is about automation that can drastically simplify your life and business processes. The ChatGPT Phenomenon ChatGPT has become more…

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